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Parenting Materials : Become an exemplary teacher with sensitivity

By  Mochamad Ahya Satari     Februari 08, 2022    Label:, 

Become an exemplary teacher with sensitivity

- Train sensitivity

Doing the unimportant

a. Environmentally sensitive

b. Be sensitive to each other

c. Be sensitive in an emergency

d. Sensitive to speech

A. Environmentally sensitive

Take spontaneous action to provide solutions to the problems encountered at that time:

    1. Straighten the slanted

    2. Tidy up the mess

    3. Cleaning the dirty

    4. Dry the wet

    5. Restore the scattered

    6. Say hello to those found

    7. Unwind

Straighten the slanted

Take spontaneous action to straighten or arrange anything that doesn't look where it should be.

We are here, changing trivial little things that seem less fitting to be more beautiful to look at.

Tidy up the mess

Tidy up the messy, visible, but not part of our job

    1. Tidy up the desk

    2. Tidy up sandals on the mosque terrace

    3. Tidy up the bookshelf in the mosque

    4. Tidy up the mukena in the mosque cupboard

    5. Arrange flowers (which serve as fences)

    6. Tidy up the collar of the student's clothes

    7. Tidy up the position of the bench in class

Clean up the dirty

Cleaning something that looks normal to people (cleaning cobwebs in the corner of the room)

    1. Cleaning the trash can

    2. Cleaning the fan

    3. Clean the window glass

    4. Cleaning bookshelf dust

    5. Clean the scale on the dipper/bucket

    6. Cleaning the stove

    7. Cleaning under the bed

Drying the wet

Drying up spilled water, leaking faucets, leaking tiles, or overflowing water reservoirs when you find them, even though it's not our job

    1. Drying up the spilled water on the floor

    2. Fix leaking faucet

    3. Repair leaky tiles

    4. Repairing the bathroom floor drains that are stagnant due to congestion

    5. Fix a clogged or leaking sink

    6. Fix the leaking dispenser

    7. Replacing a leaking gallon of water

Returning the scattered

Putting back things that are not in their place when we find them.

    1. Returning the broom left in the yard

    2. Returning the LCD/projector from the past event venue

    3. Returning scattered plates

    4. Return the dipper left outside the room

    5. Returning the bucket left in the clothesline

    6. Returning the microphone that is still at the event venue after changing days

    7. Returning the raincoat that is still on the motorbike

Say hello to those found

One of the signs that someone is environmentally sensitive is greeting those they meet. Greeting isn't just the guest's job. All ustadz and students are used to greeting anyone who comes.

Improving myself

Dress appropriately according to the role and needs. Clean body, hair neatly combed.

B. Be sensitive to others

Get used to empathize with others:

    1. Asking absent friends

    2. Culture of friendship

    3. Tahaadu tahaabbu

    4. Seeing when sick

    5. Have fun on special days

    6. Asking about the family

    7. Your son is my nephew, your wife is my wife's best friend

Asking absent colleagues

Empathy and caring can be shown in the form of concern for colleagues or friends who are unable to attend a forum

Culture of friendship

Silaturahmi is able to glue ukhuwah together, increase emotional closeness, and erode individualism (nafsi-nafsi). Fostering mutual understanding and strengthening each other

Tahaaddu Tahaabbu

Visiting the sick

Have fun on a special day

Walimah, graduations, reunions, or holidays should be used as well as possible to increase the closeness between relatives or friends which could be a moment that becomes a meeting place that does not necessarily happen on the occasion that we even planned.

Asking about the big family

Asking for work is normal, asking about new friends' families is extraordinary. Friends who we ask about their family will definitely feel given more attention.

It will train and hone our level of sensitivity to others.

C. Be sensitive in an emergency

Act appropriately and don't panic during an emergency

Ignore the SOP during an emergency

During an emergency, the existing SOPs may be ignored for the rescue and security process.

For example, during normal times we are not allowed to go out through the window, but during an emergency, we are taught how to go out

Serve even if it's not a job

During an emergency, anyone who is at the scene of the crime should immediately take rescue and security measures. After everything is conditioned, just call the expert.

Report progress

During an emergency, developments and updates from an incident or disaster need to be continuously reported to the party responsible for obtaining maximum service in the form of solutions and assistance.

Record important events

During an emergency, we need to record the incident important, such as chronology and statements from witnesses in the field to find solutions and as a concern so that it doesn't happen again in the future

Discuss and evaluate events

Leave it to the experts

Consciousness is better than reflex

Speak according to the place

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