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Parenting Materials : UWAIS AL QARNI'S STORY

By  Mochamad Ahya Satari     Februari 09, 2022    Label:, 


Uwais Al-Qarni is someone who lived at the same time as the Prophet Muhammad, welcomed the call of Islam, but did not have time to meet the Prophet. 

Although he never met directly with the Prophet Muhammad, Uwais is referred to as a resident of the sky, a person of heaven who is on earth. Uwais grew up orphaned. 

Because of that, he gave his love to his mother. For most of his life, he lived to serve his mother who was paralyzed and blind.

Uwais lives in the Qarn area, Yemen. When the Islamic da'wah was brought by the Prophet Muhammad to Yemen, Uwais was one of those who said the creed, receiving guidance from Allah SWT.

However, Uwais felt very sad because he could not meet directly with the Prophet. He only heard stories about the struggle and preaching of Islam from his friends and neighbors. One time, Uwais heard the news that the Prophet's teeth were broken because they were stoned by the Taifs who did not accept the message of Islam. Responding to this, Uwais also broke his own teeth with stones to feel the suffering experienced by the Prophet. Unable to hold back his longing for the Messenger of Allah, Uwais asked his mother for permission to be allowed to go to the Messenger of Allah in Medina. His mother approved the departure of Uwais to Medina, but on the condition that he quickly return to Yemen. After a long trip to Medina, Uwais only met Aisyah RA. Prophet Muhammad apparently was on the battlefield. Because he could not meet the Messenger of Allah, Uwais finally only entrusted greetings to the Prophet Muhammad through Aisyah. He immediately remembered his mother's message to quickly return to Yemen. Obedience to his mother defeated Uwais' desire to wait and meet Rasulullah. Finally, Uwais returned to Yemen without ever meeting directly with the Prophet. Until the end of his life, Uwais Al-Qarni was considered a tabi'in and could not be categorized as a companion of the prophet. Because one of the indicators of someone called a friend must meet directly with the Prophet. Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani in the book Al-Ishabah fi Tamyizi As-Sahabah (1995) writes the definition of a friend as "a person who has met the Prophet SAW in a state of faith in him, and died in a state of Islam." Uwais Al-Qarni is not part of the group of friends if you refer to the definition of Ibn Hajar above. Nevertheless, the figure of Uwais is considered the leader of the tabi'in based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad to Umar bin Khattab: "If you can ask him [Uwais Al-Qarni] to ask Allah for forgiveness for you, then do it!". In another narration, the editorial reads: "When you meet him, ask for prayer and forgiveness because he is an inhabitant of the heavens, not the earth." The words of the Prophet continued to be held by Umar bin Khattab until he was appointed the second caliph in the Rashidun Caliphate. Every time a pilgrim came from Yemen, Umar bin Khattab always asked about the whereabouts of Uwais Al-Qarni. One time, Umar bin Khattab asked the pilgrims: "Do you know Uwais Al-Qarni?" A group of pilgrims from Yemen replied: "Yes". Umar then replied, "How was it when you left him?" They replied without knowing the degree of Uwais, "We left him poor in wealth and worn out." Umar bin Khattab said to them, "Woe to you. Indeed, Rasulullah never told about Uwais. If he can ask forgiveness for you, do it!" Sometime later, Umar bin Khattab finally met Uwais Al-Qarni. Umar also asked Uwais to pray for him. In addition, Umar also intended to provide compensation and asked the mayor of Iraq to honor Uwais. However, Umar's offer was rejected by Uwais. his life is calm and can worship without interference from others. "Let me walk in the middle of the crowd without being noticed by many people," said Uwais to Umar bin Khattab, as quoted from the book Akidah Akhlak (2020) written by Sihabul Milahudin. Several years after meeting Umar, Uwais finally died. Uwais' house was full of people who paid homage. At that time, the people of Yemen were surprised by the people who were scrambling to pray and bury Uwais' body. So far, Uwais has only been known as a poor young man, modest, dressed in shabby clothes. , and not a respected person in Yemen. So, why are there so many groups of people who are takziah on the day of his death

Conclusion :

1. We should all glorify parents, especially mothers, as a way to open the gate of success.

2. The death of Uwais Al-Qarni has shocked the people of the city of Yemen. Many surprising things happened. So many people who do not know come to take care of the body and funeral,

3. The figure of Uwais is considered the leader of the tabi'in based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad to Umar bin Khattab.

4. Setiap kali datang jemaah haji dari Yaman, Umar bin Khattab selalu menanyakan mengenai keberadaan Uwais Al-Qarni.

5. Seorang Pemuda yang ingin sekali bertemu dengan Rasulullah ﷺ 

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