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Story Telling About Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi

By  Mochamad Ahya Satari     Januari 26, 2022    Label: 

26th of January, 2022

Ok, in this Materials ...

we watch the story of Salahuddin Al Ayyubi. 


The Crusades are not only history in Christianity, Islam has also carved an important role and victory in the Crusade. The Crusade itself was not a short war that only happened once. The war that took place between Christianity and Islam or West and East is one of the great wars in world history. The following is the story of Salahuddin Al Ayyubi's victory in the Crusade.

In the history of the Crusades, there is one name that is very well known both among Muslims and Christians. He is Salahuddin Al Ayyubi. Salahuddin Al Ayubi is a warlord who is greatly feared by his opponents because of his extraordinary intelligence in war and his great sense of forgiveness towards his opponents.

Before entering into the story of Salahudin Al Ayyubi's victory in the Crusade, it helps us to know the background of Salahudin Al Ayyubi.

Salahudin Al Ayyubi's Childhood

Salahudin Al Ayyubi was born in 1138 AD in the city of Tikrit, Iraq. His full name is Yusuf bin Najmuddin al-Ayyubi. He was born when his father fell from his throne and had to experience many problems in his country.

Salahuddin's birth also made him feel wrong, but at that moment someone appeared who advised him by saying 'You never know, maybe your son will become a king with a very bright reputation.'

Salahudin Learned War Techniques and Strategies Since His Youth

When Salahuddin Al Ayyubi was a teenager, he had learned many techniques and strategies in warfare from his father. He had even followed his father in the battles against the Crusaders during their conquest of Damascus.

Salahuddin's uncle, Nurudin Mahmud saw an opportunity to conquer the Fathimiyah Daula as a way to liberate the Jerusalem area from the hands of the Crusaders. He then ordered Salahudin Al Ayyubi to carry out the attack.

Appointed Minister in Egypt

He also sent relief troops led by Asadudin Syirkuh. Thanks to the reinforcements that arrived on time, the Crusaders were forced to retreat in fear. The area was easily controlled by Muslim troops. Thanks to this victory, Salahudin Al Ayyubi was appointed minister in Egypt.

Although he only served for two months in Egypt, he managed to turn Egypt into a region that is in accordance with the true face of Islam again. All Shia schools in Egypt were converted into places of education with the Ahlusunnah wal Jamaah school of thought. This legacy is what we can feel to this day.

Conquest of Jerusalem

Salahuddin Al Ayyubi is not someone who is careless in carrying out attacks. He really paid attention to every detail that he would do to conquer Jerusalem occupied by the Crusaders. The first thing he did was to equip everyone with strong faith and piety. This is why he tried to abolish Shia teachings and replace them with the creed brought by the Prophet.

His efforts to strengthen Islam in the bosom of every soldier he would bring were successful. Every soldier he has extraordinary faith in Allah SWT. Even every resident of Sham, Iraq, Yemen, Hejaz, and Morocco united under his command.

In the year 580 Hijri, Salahudin Al Ayyubi was seriously ill. But it was at this time of illness that he was determined to purify Jerusalem from the Crusaders. By the grace of Allah SWT, Salahudin Al Ayyubi recovered from his illness. With so much enthusiasm, he went to Jerusalem to fulfill his promise.

The liberation of Jerusalem was not easy. Salahuddin Al Ayyubi and his troops had to face the Crusaders at Hathin first. With an army of 63,000 people, Salahudin Al Ayyubi managed to defeat 30,000 Crusaders and captured another 30,000 troops.

Even though the battle took a lot of energy, Salahudin and his troops did not lose their enthusiasm in the slightest. They went straight to Al Quds, Jerusalem. This is where the great war broke out. A large Muslim army surrounded the whole place. However, the Crusaders were no less powerful against the Muslim troops.

The two great powers that met this took many victims, as well as from the Muslims who may they be martyred, God willing. The Crusaders did not want to lose, they planted a large cross on the Kubatu Shakrah. This was done to provoke the emotions of the Muslim troops and to disperse them. But Salahuddin Al Ayyubi swiftly headed to the nearest side of Kubatu Shakhrah. The Muslim troops managed to drop and burn the large cross.

The Crusaders began to be cornered. They tried to ask for negotiations with Salahudin, but he replied,

"I will not spare anyone from the Christians, just as they did not spare anyone from the Muslims (when they conquered Jerusalem)"

Hearing this answer, the leader of the Crusaders, Balian bin Bazran then threatened,

"If the Muslims don't want to guarantee our security, then we will kill all the prisoners from among the Muslims who numbered almost 4000 people, we will also kill our children and wives, destroy buildings, burn property, destroy Rock Shakhrakh, burn whatever we can burn, and after that, we will fight you to the last blood! One of us will kill one of you! What more goodness can you hope for!”

Hearing this threat, Salahudin Al Ayyubi then released them on the condition that they pay 10 dinars for men, 5 dinars for women, and 2 dinars for children. So right on Friday, 27 Rajab 583 H, Islam returned to Jerusalem. Salahuddin Al Ayyubi then cleaned all mosques and other buildings from crosses and various najis and dirt so that the sanctity of the city returned.

Sumber Referensi :  Kisah Salahuddin Al Ayyubi

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