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Students don't practice the knowledge they get at the pesantren when they are at home

By  Mochamad Ahya Satari     Januari 28, 2022    Label:, 

Group Work Friday, January 28, 2022

Arranged by :

- Ade Abdul Bashir

- Malik Abduk Wahid

- Mochamad Ahya Satari


Students don't practice the knowledge they get at the pesantren when they are at home

Problem :

Seeing some of the parents' complaints regarding their children's bad behavior at home, it feels very sad. It seems that this problem has not been resolved to this day. Parents complain about their manners which are far from expected. After arriving at the cottage, the child should bring a good provision of etiquette at home.

However, it turns out that they are far from the adab that has been taught by Allah and His Messenger. "It's as if his presence at home as a symbol of freedom from the holy prison". What had restrained him while at the cottage he wanted to vent at home. Playing gadgets knows no time, forgets the Koran and sleeps all day and many others.

It is often found that students are different when they are inside the pesantren and outside. Both words and deeds. I don't know why that's the case, even the writer feels that way without exception.

Example :

Here are some examples of problems not applying the knowledge from pesantren:

1. At the pesantren, they maintain their clothes, such as wearing long gloves, even though they are short, but they must be above the knee when it is time to break

2. At the boarding school always keep the tongue from harsh words or current words that are trending, at home they don't care about it

3. In Islamic boarding schools, they often pray in congregation plus their rowatib prayers, at home they procrastinate and even forget.

4. In the pesantren, every day, there is time to read the Koran, at home playing too much with cellphones/gadgets so that you forget the time to read the Koran.

5. In pesantren, they often do sunnah fasting, at home they forget and don't even do it at all.

6. In pesantren, adab is taught in daily life, at home as if the adab is lost and invisible.

7. In Islamic boarding schools, avoid playing cards that are not useful, such as gaple, playing cards, etc.

8. In Islamic boarding schools it is taught to spend food, but at home, food is wasted.

9. In Islamic boarding schools the time is set to sleep not too late, if at home the time to sleep can exceed the predetermined time limit due to staying up late playing cellphones, laptops that make these students stay up late every day.

10. In pesantren, they are taught how to purify themselves, for example, when performing ablution. Islamic boarding schools teach students ablution in order and not in a hurry. However, if you are at home because you are in a hurry, so there is an order that is not done and does not match what has been taught by the ustadz.

11. In pesantren, they are accustomed to being taught to be independent, such as washing dishes after eating, clothes and ironing, while at home only extraordinary students can do these things like activities in pesantren.

12. In pesantren, they are accustomed to being far from the opposite sex environment so that they are farthest from kholwat or courtship.

Because :

This usually happens because the santri seem to be free from the demands of the regulations from the pesantren, so that when they are at home they express everything that has been buried for a long time. Not only felt one or two students, but almost all students even did this when they felt constrained by the rules of the boarding school. Not infrequently if we often meet students who suddenly change drastically from their actions and words while in the lodge and at home. Even the adab that had been taught while at the pesantren seemed to disappear when the santri were at home. However, not all students can be said to be like that, depending on how the environment of the students is. If they are in a good environment, then all lessons from the Islamic boarding school can be practiced properly anywhere and anytime.

Solution :

- Make a mutabaah book of activities during the holidays so that activities are more controlled

- Make activities at home like the boarding school

- Minimize the use of cellphones or other electronic goods

- As a parent at home, you should wake up your child when it is time for the Fajr prayer and other prayers.

- Parents invite their children to be active during the holidays so that the holidays are useful.

- Reminding the child not to be late at night, stay up late, so as not to be late for the Fajr prayer or the sunnah prayer tahajjud

- Communication between parents and teachers is very necessary, such as a special whatsapp group for all parents and teachers.

Conclusion :

      The reason for the problems above is the lack of awareness of the knowledge that has been obtained in the pesantren. Either because they forgot or intentionally they seemed to make no difference between before entering the pesantren and after entering the pesantren. Then it is also very possible that parents may pay less attention to their children when they are on vacation at home, such as letting their children go back to playing with their former friends and not knowing what their children and their friends are doing.

      The problem regarding the lack of attention of parents to their children is not trivial. Parents' attention to their children at home will determine their usefulness during the holiday period. This requires communication between parents at home and teachers at the boarding school working together to make the children's vacation time more useful or it can also apply what is done in the pesantren is also applied at home.

That's All See you on the next tutorial.

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