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Learning Parenting at another boarding school

By  Mochamad Ahya Satari     Februari 01, 2022    Label:, 



Ok guys, Now I will give you some story when I visited a boarding school in sukoharjo for completed my task to be parenting.

This is the story of Darul Fithrah Islamic Boarding School.

Darul Fithrah Islamic Boarding School focuses on learning technology and tahfidzul Qur'an. The target is to memorize the Qur'an and at the same time have skills in the world of information technology. The Islamic boarding school located at Nuricik Rt 3/V Grajegan Tawangsari Sukoharjo village started its new management on February 1, 2012. Tarbiyah for 24 hours is expected to produce generation cadres who are obedient and memorize the Qur'an. This Islamic boarding school is under the auspices of the Al Fithrah Sukoharjo Foundation. Slogan from & for all Muslims, open, & useful for others. The status of land and buildings is waqf that is not problematic and does not belong to individuals. In the 2016-2017 academic year, there were 193 students who memorized the Qur'an with 28 ustadz who were mentarbiyah. Hopefully, a quality cadre of people will be born.

Education Unit

Darul Fithrah Islamic Boarding School is a male-only Islamic boarding school with three educational units:

1. Wustha / Junior High School Education Unit

namely a unit that educates Islamic cadres who graduated from elementary school or the equivalent for three years with a boarding school system. This unit is intended for students who have graduated from elementary school or the equivalent who have met the admission requirements.

2. Ulya / Senior High School Education Unit

namely, the education unit at the high school level, educating Islamic cadres who graduated from junior high school or equivalent, fostered for three years with a boarding school system. This unit is intended for students who come from the Wustha Darul Fithrah Unit or the junior high school level and other junior high school level boarding schools who have passed the admissions selection test.

3. PTS Unit (Tahfidz Sanad Program)

is a special program for memorizing the Qur'an. The education period is 2 years with pure tahfidzul Qur'an with the target of getting the sanad of the Qur'an. For a minimum age of 16 years.

The Purpose of Establishing an Islamic Boarding School

Fostering a generation of Muslims who have salimah aqidah and karimah character.

Educate students to be able to interact with the Koran and as-Sunnah in recitation, memorization, understanding, and practice.

Prepare quality students to continue their education at a higher level.

Forming Muslim intellectuals who are professional, responsible, and have a spirit of discipline.

Equipping students with life skills and active communication skills in Arabic and English, as well as being able to develop themselves independently.

Fostering a generation of Muslims who are disciplined in fighting and ready to be active in Iqamatuddin charity.

Educate generations of Muslims who are skilled and sensitive to the times.

Daily Activities of Santri Darul Fitrah

Santri Darul Fithrah is awakened at 03.00-04.00 in the morning to carry out the Qiyamul Lail prayer or Tahajud prayer. And the Darul Fithrah Santri were awakened by the Darul Fithrah Santri Organization (OSDF) which consisted of 11 and 12 grades. So, 11 and 12 graders were mandated to guide their underclassmen to be orderly and disciplined to carry out activities at the pesantren.

   After performing the Tahajud prayer, the students read the Koran until it was time for the dawn prayer. When it was time for the dawn prayer, the students rushed to stand up for the dawn prayer. After the dawn prayer, the students perform the morning dhikr together with the students who have been scheduled to lead the dhikr until it is finished. However, they only lead to start the morning dhikr but for the rest of the students dhikr individually. After completing their respective dhikr, students are required to go to their respective halaqah to deposit their memorization to the musyrif. Halaqah runs from dawn until 06.00.

      The first Halaqah hour is over, students are required to clean themselves each to prepare for class. Meanwhile, while the students were cleaning themselves, the students were also assigned to clean the places in darul fithrah, the head of cleaning distributed paper to distribute the places that had to be cleaned by the students. For a description of the places that must be cleaned as shown below.

When everything was ready, the musyrifs went to the students' rooms to immediately gather in the field to carry out the morning spirit. In the morning spirit, students are required to bring all stationery or other materials using a bag to check the stationery they have brought because the rooms will be locked during class hours.

when everything is ready, at 07.00 - 09.00 enter the first hour of lessons, namely students are required to go to the mosque to carry out the second tahfidz hour. And at 7 o'clock the santri must be at the mosque for tahfidz with their halaqah supervisors. After that, it will be continued with the respective KBM hours.

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